Sunday 12 October 2014

Old, Untalented and White

(Picture Credit - YouTube) 
Or - Straight, Christian and Male
Remember the song “Young, Gifted and Black”. Well I’m old, white, male, straight, Christian, middle-class... and feel like a leper sometimes. I’m getting fed up…     
I love that old song “Young, Gifted and Black”. The idea that previously oppressed and undervalued groups should have a great future now is most refreshing. “It’s where it’s at” indeed. I’m also all for those “Gay Pride” marches and suchlike. Great stuff. Society is becoming enlightened at last.
But wait! What if you happen to be somewhere else other than “where it’s at”? Or indeed some one other than a female black… person? I’m a white male who is straight, middle class, Christian, British, from Yorkshire and old.
The more I see black gays etc. on telly the more I feel like a leper. Thank God I’m not German too. Or an extremist. And despite the title I am not untalented.
To be fair I have to acknowledge that we white straight men etc. have brought a lot of this on ourselves. We are the ones who produced Hitler and introduced slavery (well most of it), and treated women as second class citizens. It was us who criminalised being gay. We started most wars and committed mass genocide. We have been evil for sure.
Yet then again, it wasn’t us. It was our ancestors. Modern misogyny and gay-bashing is mainly done by black extremists rather than whites. But we white males still take all the flak for what went on in historical times.
I can just picture our ancestors turning round to us and saying, “Well if you hadn’t gone soft on the ****s!”
Modern white men may be more “Metro” or whatever, these days, but this is seldom acknowledged. We are shown little or no respect. Still, you reap what you sow, and right now the others are doing the sowing.
Is it our turn now? Maybe it’s time for “Straight Pride”, “Male Emancipation”, “White Pride” and so on. An acquaintance of mine suggested "Mother's Pride", a UK brand of bread, but that can be white or brown, so best not go there. Nuff Said.
PS of course I have taken an extreme stance here. The truth is that we all need to treat every person we meet as an equal: as a member of the human race.
Paul Butters

PS - Yeh I've given up on the "happy" stuff for now.

Monday 28 March 2011

Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll - Opening

Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll. (A Blog: 28\3\2011) Welcome to Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll. This is a blog in which I will share my joys with you. To start with this will be mainly YouTube videos I’ve favourited. They are buried on Facebook and Twitter of course. Much use there! No, let’s unearth them and keep them available.

To kick off, let’s focus on that great old series, “Red Dwarf”. Let’s Start with the first appearance of Ace Rimmer:

Then Ace’s first mission to our universe:

When Our Rimmer meets his own, “Monsters from the Id”, that’s another matter:

Yet Rimmer makes a good sergeant-major!

Toast anyone? Sorry about the ads BTW:

Kryten has his moments, if not PERIODS, too!

Not keen on spiders? Tough:

Hope you liked. Got LOADS of favourites!!!!

Paul Butters